Sika’s global presence and proximity to customers makes it extremely important to understand diverse cultures and share experience across national boundaries. A diverse and inclusive workforce enables a wider talent pool, drives innovation, and enhances profitability and competitiveness.

At courses and seminars, Sika managers are encouraged to give high priority to diversity in team and project planning. More specifically, Sika is committed to:

  • Fight against discrimination based on race, religion, gender, nationality, disability, age, or any other discriminatory characteristic which is of high importance due to its global presence. This is also reflected in a diverse senior management team.
  • Provide equal opportunities for all its employees.
  • Recruit and integrate people with disabilities through improving working conditions.
  • Sika supports non-discriminatory practices in terms of employment, and practices equal opportunities in the recruitment process and in the professional development of its employees.
  • Increase the percentage of women, particularly in Sales and Management positions.

To support this commitment, Sika established a Global Diversity Steering Committee (GDSC) that presides over Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and sets global targets. On a global level, three pillars have been identified to foster DEI: attract, engage, and promote. The GDSC measures the effectiveness of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity strategy and proposes adjustments. It focuses on three levels of actions:

  • the individual level, to challenge the conscious and unconscious biases of both women and men; 
  • the company level, to provide equal opportunities; 
  • and the society level, in order to be a role model and contribute to changing mindsets.


Discussions of the GDSC cover critical topics such as Sika’s Speak-up Culture initiative, awareness raising for bias, and equity analysis to inform company policies. Similar focus groups are operating at the regional and local level – supported for specific initiatives by a global working team.