Securities Number / ISIN

Tranche 1: 125345606 / CH1253456060

Tranche 2: 125345607 / CH1253456078

Tranche 3: 125345608 / CH1253456086

Company and issuer's office

Sika AG, Zugerstrasse 50, CH-6341 Baar

Instrument rating

Standard & Poor's A-

Notional amount

Tranche 1: CHF 200 million

Tranche 2: CHF 200 million

Tranche 3: CHF 250 million


Fixed-rate bonds


Tranche 1: 2.125% p.a.

Tranche 2: 2.250% p.a.

Tranche 3: 2.250% p.a.

Interest date

Tranche 1: Payable annually in arrears on 11 October

Tranche 2/3: Payable annually in arrears on 13 April

Price of issue

(before commissions and expenses)

Tranche 1: 100.091%

Tranche 2: 100.338%

Tranche 3: 100.111%

Placement price

Placement price according to offer and demand

Pricing date

6 March 2023

Issue date

13 April 2023


Tranche 1: 1.5 years, fixed

Tranche 2: 3 years, fixed

Tranche 3: 6 years, fixed

Maturity date:

Tranche 1: 11 October 2024

Tranche 2: 13 April 2026

Tranche 3: 13 April 2029

Standard units

CHF 5'000 nominal, or a multiple thereof

Listing venue

SIX Swiss Exchange

Governing law

Swiss law

Place of jurisdiction



Pari Passu, Negative Pledge, Cross Default, Change of Control


The Bonds will be issued in uncertificated securities in accordance with Art. 973c of Swiss Code of Obligations

Selling restrictions

In particular U.S.A., U.S. persons, European Economic Area and United Kingdom

Joint Lead Managers

UBS Investment Bank, Zürcher Kantonalbank